Fusce eget elit vitae ligula efficitur sollicitudin id id ante. Morbi turpis sapien, maximus efficitur porttitor vitae, auctor et eros. Nulla nec augue id ipsum faucibus mollis. Nam et felis pulvinar, luctus elit vel, egestas dolor. Ut hendrerit eros est, id commodo ligula cursus nec. Donec condimentum sit amet urna nec aliquet. Donec sit amet neque lorem. Etiam sit amet viverra odio.
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Tasty fries.
Went to SummerFest in Hastings yesterday. We very much enjoyed the fresh cut French fries.
So I have a blog. But I don’t actually generate any content. Mostly, I use it to mess around with WordPress, and occasionally, buy ice cream. But having discovered a delightful theme, I’m inspired to actually do some stuff.
Stay tuned.
Hey everyone! It’s Miracle Treat Day. For every Blizzard sold, Dairy Queen makes a donation to Children’s Miracle Network. (Details here: http://www.miracletreatday.com.) So, Wendy and I think a DQ Run is in order.
If you want in, just use my handy DQ Blizzard PayPal button below. Not sure what time we’re making the run.