Okay, “I shall be released” *might* be my favorite Dylan song. I’m especially fond of Nina Simone’s cover. But I stumbled onto this version from The Band’s magnificent farewell concent, and I kinda really love it.
Hey everyone! It’s Miracle Treat Day. For every Blizzard sold, Dairy Queen makes a donation to Children’s Miracle Network. (Details here: http://www.miracletreatday.com.) So, Wendy and I think a DQ Run is in order.
If you want in, just use my handy DQ Blizzard PayPal button below. Not sure what time we’re making the run.
Golden age of technology

We spoke with Lane last night! More amazingly: we spoke with Lane IN OUR CAR. She used the Apple FaceTime app on her laptop and it rang through to Dana’s iPhone. We parked in Costco’s lot and spent 20 minutes video conferencing with our daughter. Crazy. Half a world away and it was as easy as clicking a button.
She’s still tired and still finding her feet—but also still smiling. We’re hopeful that all of them will feel better after a good night’s sleep.
She did find time to post some photos from her first day, here.
Does God have a classroom,
or just a textbook?
I just came across a short interview with David R. Montgomery, the author of The Rocks Don’t Lie: A Geologist Investigates Noah’s Flood, and this sentence got me thinking:
Well the creationists have chosen to go back to a literal interpretation of the flood story, using arguments that were recognized and rejected in the 1780s. Throughout that time, there was a whole other tradition of faith in the world around us, a belief that God didn’t create an incomprehensible universe.
I have zero desire to say to a Creationist, “you’re so wrong,” or “you’re so right.” Rather, it got me thinking about where we learn from God, and what he’s trying to tell us. If I stand in a forest and am overwhelmed by the beauty and perfection of the natural world, is that something God is saying to me? I’m going with, “yes.”
Update: There’s a longer look at the book on DailyBeast’s Book Beast. Check it out, if you have a few minutes.
When I was a kid, they sold this candy which was a long ribbon of white paper, with different-colored pellets adhered to it in a grid. That’s what social media is. Here’s a list of channels where you can usually find evidence of my existence.
On humanity A human being should be able to cha…
On humanity
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.