So I have a blog. But I don’t actually generate any content. Mostly, I use it to mess around with WordPress, and occasionally, buy ice cream. But having discovered a delightful theme, I’m inspired to actually do some stuff.
Stay tuned.
Hey everyone! It’s Miracle Treat Day. For every Blizzard sold, Dairy Queen makes a donation to Children’s Miracle Network. (Details here: So, Wendy and I think a DQ Run is in order.
If you want in, just use my handy DQ Blizzard PayPal button below. Not sure what time we’re making the run.
Drink like you’re Irish.
Learn more about this Drink Like You’re Irish: A St. Patrick’s Day Flowchart and Infographic Design from Lemonly.
Quinn’s Coupon Book
Thanks to everyone who bought books. I’ll deliver as soon as I have them!
Golden age of technology

We spoke with Lane last night! More amazingly: we spoke with Lane IN OUR CAR. She used the Apple FaceTime app on her laptop and it rang through to Dana’s iPhone. We parked in Costco’s lot and spent 20 minutes video conferencing with our daughter. Crazy. Half a world away and it was as easy as clicking a button.
She’s still tired and still finding her feet—but also still smiling. We’re hopeful that all of them will feel better after a good night’s sleep.
She did find time to post some photos from her first day, here.
Excellent point.
“All money is made up, not almost all. Anything we choose to be a medium of exchange is done by fiat, a stipulated social agreement that only works through broad acceptance. This is true whether the medium is paper, coin or even gold. Until recently, gold had few industrial uses. Yet it has been coveted for so long that term “gold standard” is a near universal metaphor for quality and stability. So we tend to think of gold as a natural standard, when in fact, there is no natural standard. It’s all in our heads.”
From a commenter at WaPo.